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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dites 33!

Maintenant que Respect Mag vient de passer à un nouveau numéro, je vous scanne le "Dites 33" de Rachid réalisé pour le Mag d'avril-juin (je vous en parlais ici): on y trouvait aussi un bel entretien. N.B: Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en grand! Et n'hésitez pas à nous dire ce que vous en pensez...

Now that Respect Mag has released a new issue, I'm scanning Rachid's "Dites 33" (="Say 33"... n.d.r: that's the sentence a patient has to utter in French when going to a doctor who is looking into your throat made up for the former april-june Respect Mag issue (see here), where there was one nice interview of him too. Click on the image to read it full size (in French)! Here is a fast translation:

"When an artist is trying to be a poet for Respect Mag,

it becomes Dites 33 (Say 33), a medical prescription by Dr. Rachid Taha:

In the little game of life,

There is cinema, there is painting, there is art,

There is charm,

Dites 33 (Say 33),

There are men and women of all different colours,

There are some rare stars,

And no one that wants to be put into an aquarium,

Dites 33 (Say 33),

For that, there is not much to do:

One just has to be Respect


Dites 33 (Say 33)."

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